The Violet Files

The Violet Files / Lessons / sarah brown’s  guide to beauty resolutions

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Beauty Resolutions 2023

You've heard of New Year's Resolutions (Zzzz). They're easy to make and harder to keep and are attended by the weird pressure to somehow start over and turn over an immediately greener, shinier, more impressive new leaf. Basically, they are to-do lists of things you don't really want to do.

Still, I love a list.

And while I do feel that the arrival of a new year--accompanied, in the not-so-olden days, by the literal turning of a page: the cracking open of a fresh leatherbound diary from Smythson (initials stamped in gold)--is a monumental moment worthy of some stop-in-your-tracks reflection, the type of resolutions I can really get behind are of the beauty kind. At VIOLET GREY, we call them BEAUTY RESOLUTIONS. The kind that are designed to make you feel good and as a handy side benefit, look good. The kind that are about confidence and wellbeing. Me-time. Dreamtime. Great skin. Glamour. The kind you actually want to keep. We've got an entire year's worth for you, and I've included a few of mine below to get you started.

So, forget “new year, new you”–we like you the way you are. If you're looking for change, by all means, set lofty goals and create a road map for getting there, but also be proud of yourself along the way for triumphs, big and small, and prioritize the things that simply make you feel good. Like the old postcard on my desk, sent by a friend, reads, You're Killing It. I glance at this often, especially on the days when I am most certainly not killing it. This wink from a friend helps me straighten up in my chair and get back to the business of, you know, killing it.

We hope you will interpret this year's Beauty Resolutions to serve your own goals and that you will be inspired to add new ones to a list of your making. Or, maybe you'll just want to find that new lipstick that makes you feel really, really great. Because, babes, you're killing it.




HAVE MORE SEX | This does not require a lot of explanation. I’m going to get in the mood with Aman’s Grounding Body Oil. Start with a fragrant massage, then cue the kink!

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Grounding Body Oil


Grounding Body Oil

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MAINTAIN YOUR MANTLE | Honestly, I think the thing standing between myself and really fantastic skin is the amount of water I (do not) drink daily, but external mantle maintenance is also key. RéVive’s Sensitif Repairing Night Cream is luxe while lightweight and designed for sensitive skin—especially perfect in winter.

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SEE THE LIGHT | I am all about a revelation. I keep notebooks full of them. Here’s to many more life-altering moments this year. I am talking about knowing where you are going and how you are getting there. I’ll be lighting my way with RMS’s Master Radiance Base, dabbed high on the cheek, under the brow, or anywhere else I’d like a compliment.

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MAKE WAVES | This is something I recommend doing in every aspect of your life. When it comes to my hair (good hair = good days, after all), my choice for silky, high-shine hair (which, in my case, is wavy) is Christophe Robin’s Regenerating Hair Serum.

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Regenerating Serum with Prickly Pear Oil

Christophe Robin

Regenerating Serum with Prickly Pear Oil

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COMMIT TO A ROUTINE | I’m looking at you, results-in-12-weeks Lyma Laser. In fact, I will make all of my VIOLET CODE APPROVED beauty goals come true by taking my own advice: getting organized, exercising some discipline, and truly committing to a routine.

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Lyma Laser


Lyma Laser

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FORGET YOUR PHONE | As in, (1) don’t take it with you because you are too busy being in the moment, or (2) you’re having so much fun you leave it somewhere. Either way, well done, you are living! For these pursuits, I recommend a statement lip: Chanel Rouge Coco Flash.

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SPEND TIME IN THE TUB | This is a resolution I can put into immediate action. Susanne Kaufmann’s Mallow Blossom Bubble Bath sends me

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Susanne Kaufmann Mallow Blossom Bath - Size: 8.4 oz


Susanne Kaufmann Mallow Blossom Bath - Size: 8.4 oz

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LOVE YOUR BODY | Not always so easy. Sometimes I think of all my body does for me–daily–and I am immediately filled with gratitude and wonder. I will celebrate mine this year by luxuriating limb to limb in Costa Brazil’s off-the-charts fabulous Body Cream.

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Crème Para O Corpo - Body Cream


Crème Para O Corpo - Body Cream

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