The Violet Files

The Violet Files / Reviews / slip's poolside pillowcase

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It is a fact of life that you can do all the right things and still not get the results you are looking for. Often, this phenomenon can be explained by bad luck or circumstances beyond your control, but sometimes there is one sneaky, unaccounted-for factor that can hold desired results back. In the case of VIOLET STAFFERS’ (and many, many shoppers’) skin care and hair journeys, this sly saboteur was our pillowcases.

We were all just going about our lives thinking we knew how to achieve great skin and hair: exquisitely-crafted regimens of cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, shampoo, conditioner, etc. Who would even consider the pillowcase as part of the beauty routine? The geniuses at Slip, that’s who. Realizing that we spend a third of our lives with our heads on a pillow, these beauty innovators looked closely at what exactly happens during the night.

With traditional pillowcases, people often wake up with dry skin, pesky lines and creases on their faces, and frizzy bedhead, no matter how many wonderful products they are using. This can be attributed to textiles which can absorb these topicals, pulling them out of our skin and into the fabric, and can create friction which causes hair breakage and static. So, when Slip said they had a silk remedy for these PM pitfalls in a chic, black- and white-striped, exclusive print, VIOLET STAFFERS jumped at the chance to take them for a spin.


After spending several blissful nights with this top-quality silk, STAFFERS enthusiastically confirmed Slip’s claims: that their pillowcases absorb significantly less face cream compared to cotton pillowcases and reduce friction (of the face and hair) by 43% on average. We were waking up with hydrated, crease-free skin and smoother hair (making it much easier to roll out of bed and straight onto Zoom calls) so we hurried to send it to the Committee of Industry Experts for their incomparable feedback.

“I love this silk pillowcase because it leaves your hair looking like you never slept on it and helps prolong your blowout.”

“Using this pillowcase means that I don’t wake up with creases on my face anymore. And bonus points for less product rub off.”
––JACQUELINE LEDY, Beauty Editor

"This silk pillowcase is pretty amazing. I definitely notice a big difference in my hair–it is so much less frizzy!”
––KIRA NASRAT, Makeup Artist


STAFFERS and testers alike found that Slip’s silk pillowcase maximizes robust beauty rituals, ensuring that expensive treatments stay on the face sans rub off, and that time spent taming their hair is minimized. And, as an added bonus, these cases are a fresh way to summer-ize bedroom decor. With that, Slip’s Pure Silk Queen Pillowcase in Poolside (a print exclusive to VG) is officially VIOLET CODE APPROVED and has earned a place on THE SHELVES

The VIOLET CODE is a process and set of standards by which VIOLET GREY’s Committee of Industry Experts separate hero products from the tens of thousands of options available to you on the market. The result is a curation that is truly the best in beauty from those who know best.

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