The Violet Files

The Violet Files / Reviews / westman atelier’s eye want you mascara

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When our editors are looking for covetable best-in-class makeup (so, 24/7, 365), and more specifically, formulas that use nourishing, good-for-you ingredients and don’t ever compromise on performance, experience has taught us to turn to makeup artist to the A-List and Westman Atelier founder Gucci Westman. When we heard whispers about a new buildable, transfer-proof mascara that could deliver everything from a barely-there flutter to a boldly defined lash in just a few coats—without flaking or irritating sensitive eyes—we moved to get our hands on a tube, tout suite.


One coat—length and lift. Two coats—each lash is separated and elegantly defined. Three coats—va-va-volume. No flaking, smudging, or annoying transfer marks underneath our eyebrows. No itchy eyes. No tugging at our lids when we washed it off at the end of the night (gentle cleanser and water more than sufficed). Anticipating unanimous and enthusiastic approval, Eye Want You Mascara was promptly sent to the Committee of Industry Experts.

“A great clump-free, smudge-proof mascara that lengthens and gives natural volume without weighing down lashes. It also did not smudge and easily dissolved with warm water.”
—GRACE AHN, Makeup Artist

“This dream everyday mascara delivers major length, volume, and curl with all-day staying power. The eye-opening effect makes the eyes bigger and brighter with none of the end-of-day flakiness that is so common with natural mascaras.”

“From the packaging to the application—it’s a quality product. It’s a great mascara to build volume that’s not clumpy. “


With this new go-to formula taking up residence on vanities and in the kits of our nearest and dearest, Westman Atelier’s Eye Want You Mascara is officially VIOLET CODE APPROVED.

The VIOLET CODE is a process and set of standards by which VIOLET GREY’s Committee of Industry Experts separate hero products from the tens of thousands of options available to you on the market. The result is a curation that is truly the best in beauty from those who know best.

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