
Classic Slant Tweezer

The perfect tweezer for expert brow shaping.


Product details

Famous for its precision, this tweezer features perfectly aligned hand-filed tips to grab every hair, every time. The tweezer is angled at 25-degrees to achieve high definition brows like a pro. Superior-calibrated tension and perfect alignment mean the hand-filed tip evenly and firmly grips hair. The result: the cleanest, smoothest performance.

how to use

- To ease tweezing, take a hot shower or use a warm washcloth to open pores.
- Tweeze in the direction of hair growth to avoid breakage.
- To close pores post tweezing, use cold water or astringent.
- For expert results, never yank or tug on brow hairs. Always use the Slant's precision tip to isolate, lift and then grab the hair from the root to avoid breaking the hair.
- When you smoothly glide each entire hair out, broken stubble and black dots won't be left behind, instead you create a flawless, expertly shaped, clean look.


Stainless Steel

Editor's Note

When you use the tweezer’s tip to glide each entire hair out broken stubble and black dots won't be left behind. Instead you create a flawless expertly shaped clean look.