![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"LAUREN HUTTON ON THE STAIRS OF THE LOTOS CLUB"}]}]}](
“I have had no less than 2,000 hairstyles,” says model Lauren Hutton of the probable number of looks she has transformed into over the course of her legendary career. She is sitting in the Wedgwood Parlor of Manhattan’s The Lotos Club (a literary club founded in 1870), surrounded by makeup artist, Pati Dubroff, and hairstylist, Anthony Campbell for her cover story with VIOLET GREY. Stylist Lawren Howell is standing nearby as is VIOLET GREY founder and CEO, Cassandra Huysentruyt Grey. On the sets of most photos shoots, there is a touch of madness as the team prepares for the day, but in this particular moment, even the assistants are quietly steaming away the crinkles in vintage silk dresses. Everyone is enraptured by Hutton as she recounts her early modeling days with Ara Gallant, Beverly Johnson, and Avedon.
As Hutton finishes her coffee and her tales, she takes a glance in the mirror and immediately notices an out of sorts hair and a spot devoid of concealer. “That’s instinct,” she says matter-of-factly as she reaches for a complexion palette from her eponymous cosmetics collection.“And fifty-years of working in the industry.”
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"photoshoot credits"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Lauren Hutton wearing delicate veil over face"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"shoes on set"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"changing area"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Cassandra Grey with Tom Ford top and skirt"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Hairstylist on set"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Lauren Hutton on the steps of the Lotos Club"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"The car"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Polaroid of behind the scenes at the Lotos Club"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Chandelier at the Lotos Club"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Hair stylist and makeup artist on set"}]}]}](
![{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Polaroid of Lauren in red coat"}]}]}](